Q & A
Q: Why am I unable to log in even though I have a current subscription?
A: There are 2 things that could be going on. Either way you will be emailed with an alert as to what the problem is. It is very important that you put in your current email address when subscribing. Please read the 2 explanations below if you are unable to log onto my site.
Daily Download Limit Reached
I have a daily download/bandwidth limit of 6GB per day. If you have downloaded over 6000MB (6BG) you will be temporarily blocked from entering my site. Once you have reached this limit you should receive an email alert about the excess download limit. Try logging on at least 12 hours later or the next day. Your username/password is still active it is just temporarily blocked for a short time. There is NO need to change your password, just be pateint.
Multiple IP's detected
If there are multiple IP's logging in from various locations using your username/password on the same day your password will automatically be changed. You will receive an email with a warning stating that your password has been changed. The email will also list the various locations that were detected. If you receive this warning go to this link below and a new password will be emailed to you immediately. Again, it is very important that you enter a current & valid email address when signing up to my site.
Having password problems >>>>> CLICK HERE
Q: What will the subscription charge appear as on my credit card bill?
A: To protect your privacy you will be charged on your credit card bill as CCBill *EM DESIGN, LLC.
Q: How do I cancel my membership?
A: You can cancel your membership directly through CCBILL. Go directly to CCBILL Customer Service to cancel your subscription. You will need 2 of the 3 in order to cancel - Credit card number, subscription ID or email address.
Q: How do I look up my subscription ID?
A: You can retrieve your subscription ID by filling out this form through CCBILL ~ Consumer Service Form. You can also email me directly for help:
Q: How do I dispute a billing?
A: If you feel like you were billed in error email me directly and I will help you with your problem: emily@emilymarilyn.com
Q: I'm unable to log on using the AOL browser.
A: AOL doesn't support membership sites. Use Internet Explorer or Firefox.